Showing posts with label Oskar A.H. Schmitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oskar A.H. Schmitz. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Carl Jung: I consider the puer aeternus attitude an unavoidable evil.

To Oskar A. H. Schmitz

Dear Herr Schmitz, 23 February 1931

I consider the puer aeternus1 attitude an unavoidable evil.

Identity with the puer signifies a psychological puerility that could do nothing better than outgrow itself.

It always leads to external blows of fate which show the need for another attitude.

But reason accomplishes nothing, because the puer aeternus is always an agent of destiny.

With best regards,

C.G. Jung, ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 82

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Carl Jung: I do in fact dislike being disturbed, especially when working.

To Oskar A. H. Schmitz

Dear Herr Schmitz, Bollingen, 20 September 1928

I greatly appreciate your not having burst in on me unannounced in Bollingen with Frl. X.

I do in fact dislike being disturbed, especially when working.

One of the most important and difficult tasks in the individuation process is to bridge the distance between people.

There is always a danger that the distance will be broken down by one party only, and this invariably gives rise to a feeling of violation followed by resentment.

Every relationship has its optimal distance, which of course has to be found by trial and error.

The problem is a particularly delicate one with women, where sexuality is apt to rear its ugly head.

Scrupulous attention must be paid to resistances.

They can hardly be taken seriously enough, since one is only too prone to self-deception.

With kind regards,

Yours very sincerely,

C.G. Jung

P.S. I completely forgot to answer your earlier question.

The advantage of an hourly arrangement is that the patient is less likely to be drawn into the atmosphere of a personal relationship, and the financial aspect is easier to calculate.

In the present case I think you might charge 50-70 fr. a day.

If you want to work during the day, you should make a fixed charge for the half day, e.g., Y2-day = 4 hours = 60 ( or 50) marks.

The more hours you work, the higher the fee.

In cases of inferior feeling, a trauma very often has pathological consequences in the realm of sensation, e.g., physical pain unaccompanied by feeling.

In cases of inferior sensation, therefore, the trauma can precipitate intense feeling-symptoms.

Very often the shock obliterates the function in question, just as excruciating pain blots out consciousness ("witch's sleep" under torture), and leaves "marginal symptoms" behind. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 53-54