Showing posts with label Richard Heyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Richard Heyer. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

Carl Jung: Whether I shall succeed is another matter.

To Gustav Richard Heyer

My dear Heyer, 20 April 1934

Although the prospect is not at all rosy, I must nevertheless go to Nauheim to keep the promise I made the Germans that I would do everything possible to promote the cohesion of the Society.

Whether I shall succeed is another matter.

Personally I doubt it.

If Prof. Goring turns a purely medical affair into a political one there is nothing we foreigners can do about it.

But we must first wait and see.

I must tell you that I should be very pleased, not least also for personal reasons, if you came to Nauheim too.

I have the feeling I am treading on ground the nature of which I know far too little, and I must have somebody near to give me the necessary information.

I cannot possibly rely on Cimbal and the others as their interests and motives are so obscure that an outsider like me cannot see through them.

I regard this Congress as a unique and perhaps final attempt to promote a general cohesion though it may not be at all timely.

But one must have done so in reality before one can withdraw with a good conscience.

I am thinking anyway of not retaining this presidency for too long, which was forced on me only because of the precarious situation, and of passing it on as quickly as possible, since for me it involves a load of work which I would never have accepted undernormal conditions.

I would like to ask you to let me know by return postcard whether you consider it opportune if I lecture in Nauheim.

I personally have the feeling I had better not, as I want to adopt a waiting and watchful attitude.

I gave Prof. Goring my consent to lecture only very hesitantly and with reservation, so that I could withdraw without further ado.

Meanwhile with best regards,

Yours ever,

Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 157-158