Carl Jung: This is the matrix of the mind, as the little great-grandfather correctly saw, I hope something good comes out of it.

Dear Professor Freud, 23 June 1911

Naturally the time after the Congress would suit me just as well, I only thought that if you came before you could stay here a bit longer.

I gather from your letter that you could come before the Congress, minus your wife, but we were so looking forward to having you both under our roof that I wish you would persuade your wife to come along after all if she possibly can.

Whether after or before the Congress is all the same to me. So please decide just as suits you best.

Have you seen Havelock Ellis's book on dreams?

Won't you do a critical review for the Jahrbuch?

What a watery brew Ellis has concocted!

Just what is needed to make everything unclear.

You are probably right about Honegger.

Although it may be true that the fantasy systems in D. pI. exhibit parallels with the daydreams of hysterical patients, it is certain from the start that by no means all cases possess such a system, or at least they do not have it at their disposal.

That it is not of great therapeutic importance to get patients to produce their latent fantasies seems to me a very dubious proposition.

The unconscious fantasies contain a whole lot of relevant material, and bring the inside to the outside as nothing else can, so that I see a faint hope of getting at even the "inaccessible" cases by this means.

These days my interest turns more and more to ucs. fantasy, and it is quite possible that I'm attaching too great hopes to these excavations,

Des. fantasy is an amazing witches' cauldron:

"Formation, transformation,
Eternal Mind's eternal recreation.
Thronged round with images of things to be,
They see you not, shadows are all they see."

This is the matrix of the mind, as the little great-grandfather correctly saw, I hope something good comes out of it.

Kindest regards,

JUNG ~Carl Jung, Freud/Jung Letters, Vol. 1, Pages 430-431
