
Carl Jung: In this way Christ realized the idea of the Self.

Carl Jung: It is frankly disappointing to see how Paul hardly ever allows the real Jesus of Nazareth to get a word in.

Carl Jung: The most important of the symbolical statements about Christ are those which reveal the attributes of the hero's life:

Carl Jung: In our diagram, Christ and the devil appear as equal and opposite, thus conforming to the idea of the “adversary.”

Carl Jung: The act of love embodied in the Son is counterbalanced by Lucifer's denial

Carl Jung: In the gospels themselves factual reports, legends, and myths are woven into a whole.

Carl Jung: Christ as an Archetype of the Self

Betrayal and Taking of Christ

Carl Jung: It was known, and stated, very early that the man Jesus, the son of Mary, was the principium individuationis.

Carl Jung: Simple things are always the most difficult.