
Carl Jung: As nothing can happen without a pre-existing pattern, not even creation ex nihilo,...

Carl Jung and Tibetan Ghost Traps

Jung got very angry and denounced those Europeans who went down to save perfectly happy and contented Africans...

Luella Sibbald: Memory of Toni Wolff

Joseph Campbell: ...the Sumerian myth of the goddess Inanna's descent to the nether world.

Frederick Spielbergjet: This ghost trap I brought to Dr. Jung,...

Peter C. Lynn: Emma Jung was still actively teaching at the Institute

Carl Jung on "Lao Tzu" - Anthology

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Carl Jung: In all these visions there is really not much blood.

Carl Jung: "But this concept is older than the philosophy of Lao-tzu."

Carl Jung: In men, Eros, the function of relationship, is usually less developed than Logos.

Carl Jung: Indeed, I have devoted a book, Paracelsica to the most important of his [Paracelsus] ideas.

Carl Jung: It is always a naked figure because it shows man as he is without any veils, the true man.