
Carl Jung “Two Cases from Jung’s Clinical Practice” – Quotations

Jung’s Psychology in Britain by G. Stewart Prince

An interesting story about the Dean’s wife at Yale University during Dr. Jung’s Terry Lectures.

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Carl Jung on the “Art of Interpreting Dreams.”

Chaos Philosophorum

Some Carl Jung Quotations [Red Book, Liber Novus] XXXI

Carl Jung on the Hungarian Revolution

Carl Jung: I don’t know whether I am writing you banalities or hieroglyphics

Carl Jung: Philemon’s Sixth Sermon to the Dead

Carl Jung: Mithras is sometimes shown with three heads, a trinity, rising out of a tree.

Carl Jung: Mithras is sometimes shown with three heads, a trinity, rising out of a tree.

Carl Jung on the “Persona.” Lexicon.

Carl Jung on Wholeness and Unity.

Carl Jung on the “Desert” – Anthology

Carl Jung on the Ego and “Free Will.”

Carl Jung: .. creators of modern art are unconscious about the meaning of their creations.

Carl Jung: Love Should be Broken

Carl Jung on “Space” and “Architectural Archetypes”

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Carl Jung on "Participation Mystique." Lexicon

Some Carl Jung Quotations XXXIX

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and Freud “The First Man of Real Importance”

The Chonyid State is one of Karmic Illusion

The Craft of Dying

Existence of God

Existence of God

Some Carl Jung Quotations VII

Carl Jung: Often people come for analysis who wish to be prepared to meet death.

Carl Jung in Memorium to Toni Wolff

Carl Jung on the “Sacrificer.”

Carl Jung on “Opposites.” Lexicon.

Carl Jung: Often people come for analysis who wish to be prepared to meet death.

Some Carl Jung Quotations XXXVIII [Red Book; Liber Novus]

Carl Jung – Hans Guisan Schmid Correspondence – Anthology

Carl Jung: Therefore you must divide yourself and think of the Self.

Carl Jung on “Objectivation.” Lexicon

Carl Jung on how the Symbol of the Fish springs out of the Unconscious

Carl Jung on “Archetypes” – Anthology

Carl Jung on the “Dark” in The Red Book – Anthology

Carl Jung on “Elijah” The Red Book – Anthology

“Philemon” in The Red Book – Anthology

Carl Jung Quotations XXXVII

The God Image is…………..

The Origins of the Cross……

When Freud coined the phrase that the Ego…..

The Discovery of God’s Throne

Carl Jung on the “Lion” – Anthology

Carl Jung’s Foreword to Elida Evans: “The Problem of the Nervous Child.”

Carl Jung on “Numinous.” Lexicon

Carl Jung: “You see, in spite of being a man in advanced age, you still have a young soul,,,]

Carl Jung on Parents and Children

Carl Jung: “As I am getting on in age and as I am going to be gathered to my ancestors and avatars…”

Some Carl Jung Quotations XXXVI

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and “The Inevitable Break” with Freud

The symbol is the word that goes out of the mouth….

The Red Book and Psychological Types

Fantasy [the basis of Active Imagination] in Psychological Types and The Red Book:

Life stands above Love ~Carl Jung

Carl Jung on “Intuitives who construct Daydreams”

Carl Jung on “Nigredo.” Lexicon

[Carl Jung: …the souls of the dead "know" only what they knew at the moment of death, and nothing beyond that…]

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and “Transformation Begins Within”

Carl Jung on Individuation and be "Bidden" to ones "Vocation."

Carl Jung on Astrology and the Birth of Christ

Carl Jung on the Horoscope, Anima Mundi and Christ overcoming the Wheel of Generation.

Carl Jung: The confrontation with the unconscious

Scrutinies ~Carl Jung

Carl Jung: Such a fantasy can be the highest expression of the unity of a man’s individuality,

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung’s “Night Sea Journey’

Carl Jung: One word more on the theme of immortality.

The Spirit and the Torment of Sanctification

Carl Jung on God, Incarnation, Holy Ghost,,,

In Memoriam C.G. Jung by Culver M. Barker

The Spirit and the Torment of Sanctification

Carl Jung: One word more on the theme of immortality.

Ajna Third Eye Chakra – Winged Seed

Carl Jung on “Meditation.” Lexicon

Carl Jung on “Image of God” – Anthology

Excerpts from "Psychology and Alchemy" by Carl Jung

Carl Jung’s "Dream Interpretation Ancient and Modern" highly recommended

Carl Jung on "Participation Mystique" – Anthology

Carl Jung on "Suicide."

Carl Jung on Middle Age

Carl Jung: Another dream-determinant that deserves mention is telepathy.

Carl Jung: Nietzsche was no atheist, but his God was dead.

Carl Jung: “It is not I who create myself, rather I happen to myself. “

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung’s “Work”

Anima Mundi Mandala

Vishuddha Throat Chakra – Ether Element – White Elephant

Carl Jung on the “Ego.” Anthology

Letter from Sigmund Freud dated June 15, 1911

Carl Jung: The religious person enjoys a great advantage…

Carl Jung: This grasping of the whole is obviously the aim of science as well…

Carl Jung on “Myth.” Lexicon

Carl Jung: I myself am the enemy who must be loved—what then?

Carl Jung; Yesterday morning I shook the dust of America from my feet,

Carl Jung: He could have done this long ago, so it is just another low trick.

Carl Jung’s Letter to Emma Jung from North Africa (1920)

Gerhard and Carl Jung’s Encounter with Alchemy

Gerhard Wehr on “Bollingen” and the Travels of Carl Jung

Carl Jung: Does he realize what lies in store should this catastrophe ever befall him?

Some Carl Jung Quotations XXXV

Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra – Fire element – Ram

Carl Jung on “Mother Complex.” Lexicon.

Carl Jung: Although you have evidently taken my first secret letter very much to heart or very much amiss,

Carl Jung: …scientific suggestion therapy employs the wares of the medicine-man…

Was the Self Sleeping?

Carl Jung: How else could it have occurred to man to divide the cosmos…

Carl Jung on how the existence of Archetypes can be proved

Carl Jung: In order to seize hold of the fantasies, I frequently imagined a steep descent.

Carl Jung: In order to seize hold of the fantasies, I frequently imagined a steep descent.

Carl Jung: It also contains some completely false statements quite apart from the usual fanatic bellowings.

Carl Jung on “Mary” – Anthology

Carl Jung on “Madness” “Insanity” – Anthology

Carl Jung Quotations [Sourced with images]

Carl Jung on “Meditation” – Anthology

Carl Jung: From the beginning I had a sense of destiny

Muladhara Root Chakra – Earth element – Elephant

Carl Jung on “Mana Personality.” Lexicon

Carl Jung on Alchemy and Transformation

Carl Jung: By virtue of his reflective faculties, man is raised out of the animal world…

When one has awoken from Muladhara…

Carl Jung: By this act of incarnation man that is, his ego is inwardly replaced by "God," and God becomes outwardly man…]

Consciousness and the Renewed King…

Carl Jung’s first Mandala

Carl Jung on the integration of Unconscious contents.

Carl Jung: You cannot be an official in a madhouse and a scientist at the same time.

Carl Jung Anthologies “Egg” Through “Guru” – [Part 2]

Carl Jung on Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel – Anthology

Carl Jung: "I have often been asked where the archetype comes…"

Carl Jung: "I have often been asked where the archetype comes…"

Carl Jung: Science seeks the truth because it feels it does not possess it. The church possesses the truth and therefore does not seek it

Cooking is an anticipation of digestion….

Carl Jung: "When I was working on the stone tablets…."

Carl Jung on “Loss of Soul.” Lexicon

Carl Jung "The World is as it has ever been."

A person must pay dearly for the divine gift…

Carl Jung: I know nothing of a "super-reality."

Gerhard Wehr and Eranos-A “Navel of the World”

Olga Frobe that she not only was. able to escape the influence of the theosophical…

Carl Jung on Opposites

Oh, oh….Dr. Jung gets a little “Tipsy.”

Carl Jung: "We no longer live on what we have…."

Carl Jung on “Libido.” Lexicon.

Carl Jung on “Detachment.”

Theory gives Facts their Value

Some Carl Jung Quotations XXXIV

Carl Jung: You only can help people to understand themselves…..

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and “The Remarkable Journey to India”

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung: “Again and Again, the Religious Question”

Carl Jung Quotations 35

Carl Jung on Contemporary Psychological Problems

Carl Jung on Contemporary Psychological Problems

Carl Jung on how he handles Dreams

Carl Jung on the Symbolic content of the Mass - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: You are the only Swiss who had reacted personally to my article and on your own initiative! - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: if you love flies and lice, which you also have to do to a certain extent, they will simply eat you up in the end. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Kore." Lexicon - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: We may like to think that all psyches are single psyches,... - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung Quotations 33 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: „,we move in a world of images that point to something ineffable. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: She deserved being called a saint. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and "National Socialism" - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: That is like the magic use of the sacred symbols. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung Quotations 31 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the "continued and progressive Divine Incarnation." - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on America and Russia. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

All haste is of the devil - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Dr. Jung was a Medical Doctor of Psychiatry - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Intuition." Lexicon - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on “Irrational.” Lexicon. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "The Symbolic Life" - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: So you are back safe and sound from the cholera country! - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung's "Answer to Job" - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Jung: A Biography by Gerhard Wehr - Quotations - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the Scarab - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Shame" in The Red Book. [Anthology] - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: But, even as a science of the mind, psychology occupies an exceptional position. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

It shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

It shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: I have even consulted a good lawyer with a possible view to bringing a libel action. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Set up no stone to his memory. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Introversion." - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

My soul you-are you there? - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

My soul you-are you there? - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Fish" - Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and the Mysterium Coniunctionis - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on apparently hopeless situations. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on “Guru” – Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Missionaries" - Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: The mental education necessary for Zen is lacking in the West. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on “Introjection.” Lexicon - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Kundalini" - Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the "Trinity" - Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man by C.G. Jung - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the "Assumption" - Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: What a watery brew Ellis has concocted! - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: “I seek real knowledge [not Theosophy] and therefore avoid all unverifiable speculation.” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and a "Modern Myth" - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Gerhard Wehr on the Death of Emma Jung - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: Some Reactions concerning Psychological Testing, Psychotherapy, Mental Telepathy, and other Personal Insights - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: When people say I am wise, or a sage, I cannot accept it. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: My mythology swirls about inside me, and now and then various significant bits and pieces are thrown up. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: I can only hope that your embargo on discussion will be lifted during your stay here. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: I can only hope that your embargo on discussion will be lifted during your stay here. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Inflation." Lexicon - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

C.  G. Jung in Dialogue and Dispute - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung Letter to Sandor Ferenczi - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on Mrs. Eppers sculpture of him. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: Naturally I won't presume to stop you, since I don't know your reasons. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on “Inferior Function.” Lexicon. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung's views on Suicide - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Some Carl Jung Quotations XXXIII - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Paintings by Kristine Mann in A Study in the Process of Individuation - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the "Academic Psychologist." - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

The Personal and Collective Pyche - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Theosophy" - Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Individuation is not “Mysticism,” “Shamanism,” “Alchemy,” or “Gnosticism”. Individuation is an expression of that biological process. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and Erich Fromm - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Individuation is not “Mysticism,” “Shamanism,” “Alchemy,” or “Gnosticism”. Individuation is an expression of that biological process. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on Theosophy and Quotations - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Dr. Jung's Death: Under the Sign of Wholeness: The End - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Ruth Bailey on Carl Jung's Vision before his Death - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on “Individuation” Lexicon. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: Excuse this brevity, but I am in a state of war. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: One is struck by the enormous diversity of human individuals... - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: I must recall at this point a serious misunderstanding to which my readers often succumb, and doctors most commonly. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: Most of the others stuck by me splendidly and did their best to unhorse Bleuler. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: Childhood and Student Years (1875-1900) - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Practices - Carl Jung Depth Psychology