
Jung’s Soul: What would the crystalline clarity of water be, if you didn’t see the water?

Jung’s Soul: Yes, old liar and deceiver, squirm as much as you like.

Philemon: He is a star seed, he errs through the unlimited, he fell down from the unknown.

Jung’s Soul: “You must let Toni go until she has found herself and is no longer a burden to you.”

Carl Jung: What then is the I? Is it not the same as the self?

Jung’s Ka: Cursed be appearance, which deceives the world for all reality.

Serpent: What is past is always an obstacle for what is to come.

Jung’s Soul: So now hear about another redeemer [Buddha].

Wolff had her own figure of Ka, and also had dialogues with Jung’s Ka.

Serpent: But you now understand why God is both changing and unchanging?

Jung’s Soul: I see Philemon in the golden house of splendor-alone.

Jung’s Soul: Tell me, why did Atmaviktu become a man?

Ha: You lack dirt. Your understanding has no dung in it.

Carl Jung: August 1919 Dream of Emma

Philemon: Phanes is the God who rises agleam from the waters.

Jung’s Ka: Why do you feel the eternity of your I? Indeed, why do you want the eternity of your I?

Philemon: He is the understanding of what the devils speak.

Philemon: Man is never his best. Therefore I say unto man:

Philemon: Man is never his best. Therefore I say unto man:

Philemon: I do not die, I am already Phanes, not a man but a flame of God.

Carl Jung: Return to the Simple Life

It Shakes Off the Mortal Husk That I Am and Awakens to a Life of Its Own.

The unity of the stone is the equivalent of individuation…

Some Carl Jung Quotations LIV [ETH Lectures]***

Carl Jung: The four colours attributed to the functions are based on certain feeling values

Carl Jung : The unconscious assimilate the peculiar nature of the country.

Carl Jung Quotations [Most have Sources]

Carl Jung: “If Christ in Gethsemane had no fear, then his passion is null and void…”

It is important to have a secret, a premonition of things unknown.

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Carl Jung’s s Soul and the “Golden Serpent”

Carl Jung …what a human being "brings over" at the time of his death is so important.

Carl Jung’s s Soul and the “Golden Serpent”

A Man of the East: Man of the West! I speak to you. Your air is nebulous. let light in.

Carl Jung: the anima is an allurement to an intensification of life.

Carl Jung on the causality of fantasy

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Books by Irene Champernowne [Jungian]

Carl Jung: “I will lead him into the night of the soul so that one of them at last may know what he is actually dealing with.”

Carl Jung on "Diagnosing the Dictators"

Carl Jung: …the collective man is subhuman…

New York Time Book Review of Psychology and Religion [1958]

Anneliese Aumuller Personal Stimulus of Jung

Carl Jung: "The comparison of the fishes with a yoke of oxen ploughing merits special attention."

Robert M. Stein Reflections on Jung’s Practice and Concepts

Commemoration of the Death of Carl Gustav Jung

Marie Louise Von Franz, C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time – Quotations

Carl Jung: Descent into Hell

Books by Wolfgang Pauli [Jungian]

Body and spirit are to me mere aspects of the reality of the psyche. ~Carl Jung

Books by C.A. Meier "Jungian"

Carl Jung: Then I saw the snake approach me.

Books by Toni Wolff [Jungian]

Carl Jung on the Ego and the Unconscious

Carl Jung on the dream of Wilhelm Laiblin

Gershom Scholem’s Letter to Aniela Jaffe

Carl Jung: “A Rejoinder to Dr. Bally” [A response to charges of Anti-Semitism]

Carl Jung: The Gothic style is also in a way hysterical…

Carl Jung on “Self-Reflection” Quotations

Carl Jung on Symbolic Love.

Carl Jung on the “Objective Psyche.”

How many will God break?

Tina Keller:  “Man’s Powers”

E.A. Bennett Books [Jungian]

Carl Jung: It was as if my diaphragm were made of iron and were becoming red-hot-a glowing vault.

Carl Jung: It is a desire, an ardent longing and even greed for God; I would not call it love.

Carl Jung: The fish is an old symbol for Christ.

Barbara Hannah: “The Frontier Opens 1919-1925

The dichotomy of God into divinity and humanity

In The Search for Roots: C.G. Jung and the Tradition of Gnosis by Alfred Ribi

Carl Jung: Pythagoras, for example, thought that the earth had a twin.

Birds in Alchemy…

Carl Jung on Ignatius and Prayer

Joseph B. Wheelwright: An Attempt at Appreciation

Tina Keller: “My Religious Development”

Tina Keller-Jenny’s “Letter to her Children”

Carl Jung’s Epitaph

Carl Jung on the Shattered Knife

Heinrich Zimmer Books [Jungian]

Carl Jung: As I am an introverted intellectual my anima contains feeling [that is] quite blind.

Carl Jung: It is only possible to live as we should if we live according to our own nature.

Carl Jung on the Spiritual Exercises of the West

Carl Jung Books

Esther Harding Books [Jungian]

Joseph Campbell: The idea is to find your own pathway to bliss.

All opposites are of God……….

Carl Jung: The animus is in this respect rather difficult to deal with because it is a plurality.

Carl Jung: You know that I am still under the suspicion of being a secret Nazi agent despite all I say or do.

Essay On Wotan By Dr. Carl Jung

Marie Louise Von Franz Books [Jungian]

A sun that is endowed with human feeling and man’s limited consciousness.

Books by Richard Wilhelm [Jungian]

Books by Sonu Shamdasani [Jungian]

Books by Sonu Shamdasani [Jungian]

Carl Jung: But what is outside time is, according to our understanding, outside change.

Carl Jung: One could describe these movements . . . as levitation…

Carl Jung: I was enchanted by this sight-it was a picture of something utterly alien and outside my experience,

Memoirs of Tina Keller “Quotations”

Carl Jung on Christianity, Buddhism and Islam and Anthology

Carl Jung: Try to touch things that remind you of your·reality.

Karl Kerenyi Books [Jungian]

Carl Jung: Your destiny is the result of the collaboration between the conscious and the unconscious.

Carl Jung and The afternoon of human life naturally forms part of the growth of human life.

Books by Erich Neumann [Jungian]

Aniela Jaffe Books [Jungian]

Carl Jung: To be "normal" is the ideal aim for the unsuccessful

Books by Sonu Shamdasani [Jungian]

Carl Jung’s letter to Hermann Hesse on “Demian.”

Carl Jung to Hermann Hesse: "Naturally we shouldn’t quarrel about words."

Earlier Temples ~Carl Jung

Carl Jung: If we can look at a picture of the god long enough, he nods.

If we wish to stay on the heights…

Carl Jung: It is also the smile of Mona Lisa.

The Unconscious is not identical with God….

Rene Guenon: The Principle of Individuation

Carl Jung: The West is the land of the dead, the sun sinks in the West…

Carl Jung on the “Chief” and the “Medicine Man.”

Carl Jung, SystemaMundiTotius in The Black Books

Carl Jung: Nature is an incomparable guide if you know how to follow her.

Carl Jung: Your ear troubles are very distressing.

Carl Jung and Memories, Dreams, Visions and Christmas.

Carl Jung: Woman is world and fate, that is why she is so important to the man.

Carl Jung and World War II

Carl Jung on Material Atheism, Annulment of Human Personality, Advocates of Christianity.

Carl Jung: I am an orphan, alone; nevertheless I am found everywhere.

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Carl Jung: As a matter of fact Freud was the far greater mind than Adler.

Some Carl Jung Quotations

God himself smashed his Weapon

Carl Jung: It is only through the psyche that we can establish that God acts upon us…

Carl Jung: It is only through the psyche that we can establish that God acts upon us…

Carl Jung on Sexuality, Erotic Sculptures, Dharma and Karma.

Carl Jung: We must read the Bible or we shall not understand psychology.

Carl Jung on “Death.” Anthology

Carl Jung on Aion, the Serpent, Mercurius

Carl Jung: God needs man in to become conscious…

Some Carl Jung Quotations LII

Carl Jung: Alchemy is founded on the conviction of the spontaneity of the spirit..

Carl Jung on Christ and Astrology

Carl Jung on the Symbol of the Self and Nuclear Reactions

Books by Barbara Hannah [Jungian]

Some Carl Jung Quotations

I want to emboss you like a coin

Carl Jung: The symbol of the cave is naturally the symbol of the grave…

Authentic Text of Chief Seattle’s Treaty Oration 1854

Dr. Jung: Yes, by desire you are bound to things, and when they become chaotic you are drawn into the chaos.

Some Carl Jung Quotations LII

Carl Jung: As a matter of fact Freud was the far greater mind than Adler.

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Carl Jung: I am an orphan, alone; nevertheless I am found everywhere.

Carl Jung on Material Atheism, Annulment of Human Personality, Advocates of Christianity.

Carl Jung and World War II

Carl Jung: “It can also lead to the fact that such children do not really get into their bodies…"

A Presentation on the “Devil” from Dr. Jung’s “Children’s Dreams Seminar,”

Carl Jung on “Ghosts” – Anthology

Carl Jung on why Fairy Tales and Religious Dogmas are so important.

Cary F. Baynes Quotations in the 1925 Seminar

Gilgamesh and the Rig Veda

Our World has become Dehumanized

Carl Jung: At first it was the negative aspect of the anima that most impressed me.