
Soul: The brightness must be lit up, the fire must be kindled.

Carl Jung: I am in love; I love with that searching yearning that Swedenborg so wonderfully describes

My soul, what is happening? What sets me at odds with myself? What tears asunder?

Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Jung described Wotan’s attributes as follows:

…we have to grapple with the knowledge content of Gnosticism and neo-Platonism.

The facet of God which is knowable through reason is the divine Logos.

Merry Christ’s Mass!!!

Carl Jung: Our Lord Jesus Christ! Blessed be your name.

Carl Jung: In the days before Christmas I dreamt of Mrs. McCormick.

Christmas has come. The God is in the egg.

Carl Jung: I think in the end he will turn out to be the devil.

Carl Jung: I am cut off from myself, a hanged man who fell from the bough.

Carl Jung: What tension between the farthest heavens and the deepest hells!

Jung’s Soul: What lies in between is in the dream book, but still more in the images of the Red Book.

Carl Jung: A point exists at about the thirty-fifth year when things begin to change,

Carl Jung: Yes, I feel him. He fills me with unspeakable feelings. What is it? Dread?

Salome: I will not be your slave-what is the fortune of the earth when it burns like hellish fire?

Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Jung’s Soul: A triumvirate, you, Emma, and Toni, the symbolic bearers, the Egyptian symbol, indicated in the word “FANDRAGYPTI,”

Available for Pre-Order Marie-Louise von Franz: Archetypal Symbols in Fairytales

Jung’s Soul: Relations do not let themselves be replaced even by the deepest human knowledge.

Carl Jung Depth Psychology GoFundMe Support Request

Carl Jung: The mouth utters the word, the sign, and the symbol.

Psychology of Yoga and Meditation: Lectures Delivered at ETH Zurich Available for Pre-Order

Carl Jung: This dream is my inner situation.

Africa made an overpoweringly deep impression on him [Jung]

Jung’s Soul: It was probably a follower and pupil of Dionysus, who had lost one arm.

Phanes: I am perfection itself, but only he who has attained his limits is complete.

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Phanes: Completion is poverty. But poverty is means gratitude. Gratitude is love.

Salome: Pleasure is the sensation of pleasure and nothing further.