
Carl Jung: Oh Izdubar. Divine one, how wonderful! You are healed!

Carl Jung: The Young Woman with a Snake in her Abdomen

Carl Jung: Then I walk into the welcoming house where Izdubar should find healing.

My Most Difficult Experiment

The Red One: I fled into solitude and danced all day until I dropped.

The Monk: So we founded the monastery-near the Nile, from where we could see the passing ships.

The collective psyche is a real power as is the external world.

Carl Jung: Both look at me frightened and make the sign of the cross.

The Anchorite: Every word can work productively in your spirit.

I need community with you so that I fall prey neither to the community of the living nor to my desire and you

Anchorite: My father once bought a black slave at the market from the region of the source of the Nile.

Anchorite: My father once bought a black slave at the market from the region of the source of the Nile.

This description of Elijah connects him with the later description of Philemon.

…Jung recounted that after Salome’s declaration that he was Christ:

Carl Jung: have received your sprout, you who are to come,

Carl Jung Dreams of his Wife; Emma

Carl Jung: The myth was originally a healing formula through the power of the mind.

Carl Jung: The fact that a man who goes his own way ends in ruin means nothing …

Carl Jung: I enter into a twilight: I am this and yet also something else.

Elijah was one of the prophets of the Old Testament.

In memory of Hermann Sigg,/ my very dear friend,/ died on 9 January 1927.

Carl Jung: Psychological phenomena are manifestations of an energy.

Is Analytical Psychology a Religion?

Carl Jung: I suddenly woke up from a dream.

Philemon Foundation Donor Webinars

Carl Jung: Half a year or so before I had that dream about the white bird I dreamed the following

Dr. Jung’s Images from The Black Books

We [Elijah/Salome] are really together and are not symbols. We are real and together. ~Elijah

Carl Jung: Hence I discriminate between the I and the self,..

Is there a moral issue involved in individuation?

She [Toni Wolff] felt that his fame and success were increasingly taking him away from her…

Carl Jung: Picture by a middle-aged man. In the center is a star.

Jung’s Soul: She (Salome) is between things and you. I am between the eternal images and you.

Carl Jung on “Abraxas” – Quotations – Anthology

Carl Jung: Subsequently, the anima, in the form of the mother imago, is transferred to the wife:

Following the Polzeath seminar, Cary de Angulo wrote a paper on “Individual Relationships.”

In December 1924, Jung visited America.

Happy New Year 2021