
The Bardo Thodol considers souls in the same way.

Deviation from the truths of the blood begets neurotic restlessness

23 January 1935 LECTURE I Zarathustra Seminar

Carl Jung: …as a boy I was the victim of a sexual assault by a man I once worshipped.

1934 21 November LECTURE 7

1934 21 November LECTURE 7

31 October 1934 LECTURE 4 Zarathustra Seminar

31 October 1934 LECTURE 4 Zarathustra Seminar

~Marie-Louise von Franz The Idea of the Macro- and Microcosmos in the Light of Jungian Psychology

Lecture 9 Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Van Der Flue

Lecture 8 Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Van Der Flue

Lecture 7 Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Van Der Flue

Lecture 6 The Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Van Der Flue

Carl Jung: …a poem is never a confrontation with it-it is only a formation of the unconscious.

17 October 1934 LECTURE II Zarathustra Seminar

Lecture 5 Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Von der Flue

Lecture 4 Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Von Der Flue

1934 27 Jung LECTURE 8 Zarathustra Seminar

Lecture 3 Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Van Der Flue

Lecture 3 Dreams and Visions of Niklaus Van Der Flue

Carl Jung Hundreds of Quotations from The Collected Works with Citations

Lecture 2 Dreams and Visions of St. Niklaus Van Der Flue

Mother Emma asked whatever happened to the nice tweed suit

1934 20 June LECTURE 7 Zarathustra Seminar

1934 13 June LECTURE 6 Zarathustra Seminar

23 May 1934 LECTURE 4 Zarathustra Seminar

1934 3 June LECTURE 5 Zarathustra Seminar

One would like to say that you are too patient, too good, if it weren’t too stupid.

If ever any woman had a personal concretized animus experience…

1934 16 May LECTURE 3 Zarathustra Seminar

The egg, the vessels and the words. From Izdubar to Answer to Job

Purification of the senses:

Art and the Zürich School

Jung, for his part, explicitly refused to accept the role of guru, as we read in Sabi’s journal.

Is a body becoming spirit something which we can confirm from experience, has it ever happened?

19 MAY 1939 Lecture 4 Psychology and Yoga Meditation

19 MAY 1939 Lecture 4 Psychology and Yoga Meditation

9 JUNE 1939 Lecture 7 Psychology Meditation and Yoga

9 JUNE 1939 Lecture 7 Psychology Meditation and Yoga

1939 23 JUNE Lecture 9 Psychology and Yoga Meditation

before sleeping I saw my mother, somewhat as I saw her in the coffin, floating upward

1939 2 JUNE Lecture 6 Psychology and Yoga Meditation

Carl Jung: Tuesday evening 6.40 my mother died in Kusnacht, Seestrasse.

A sickness disturbs you, your sleep is light. What are you suffering from?

A sickness disturbs you, your sleep is light. What are you suffering from?

8 November 1933 Visions Seminar LECTURE V

Marie-Louise Von Franz on the “Animus” – Quotations

A dream and a vision of shooting stars by Sabina Spielrein

28 APRIL 1939 Lecture 1 Psychology and Yoga Meditation

Oh my soul, you must truly refrain from all moods and infidelities.

Oh my soul, you must truly refrain from all moods and infidelities.

Instead, secretly carry your God to a hospitable roof.

That’s why you are my soul, a changing moon. Your light is borrowed. You will wax again tomorrow.

21 June 1933 Visions Seminar LECTURE VIII

14 June 1933  LECTURE 7 Visions Seminar

Philemon: His distant star illuminates him. To him I am a flame.