
‘Psychic reality” is a controversial concept, like “psyche” or “mind.”

Carl Jung on “Consciousness.” Lexicon

Carl Jung on the “Creative Impulse.”

Carl Jung: Psyche cannot be totally different from matter, for how otherwise could it move matter?

Carl Jung: Doors of iron, walls of stone, cold darkness and the rations of penance-that is the bliss of redemption.

Carl Jung: …I believe that misery is an intrinsic part of human life, without which we could never do anything.

Marie-Louise Von Franz: Dreams give the Naskapi complete ability to find his way in life

The mass State has no intention of promoting mutual understanding…

Foreword to Froboese-Thiele: “Dreams—a Source of Religious Experience?”

Number and Time by Marie Louise von Franz

Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, one of the founders of psychiatry, tells: “WHY I BELIEVE IN GOD”

A Pictorial Guide to The Red Book

Passages from a Gnostic Hymn and “The Red Book”

If a man is lost in the desert or quite alone on a glacier…

Carl Jung: Nobody can set right a mismanaged life with a few words.

Carl Jung on “Classification by Type.” – Anthology

Carl Jung and “Memories, Dreams, and Reflections” – Quotations

Carl Jung on why we experience a “lack of dreams.”

Carl Jung: Since the death of my mother, the A. [Anima] has fallen silent. Meaningful!

Madness in not to be despised…~Carl Jung

Man shall differentiate himself both from spirituality and sexuality.

Every creative person is a duality …

Recent research dates the Yoga Sûtra between 325 and 425 CE.

Carl Jung Foreword to a Catalogue on Alchemy

Her surrender to the Self sustained her immense energy, physically and spiritually.

Marie Louise Von Franz and "The Cat: A Tale of Feminine Redemption

Emma Jung Correspondence with Katy Cabot

Carl Jung’s Acknowledgements of the Work of Sabina Spielrein [Partial Listing]

Carl Jung’s Acknowledgements of the Work of Sabina Spielrein [Partial Listing]

Toni Wolff: Zarathustra has just preached that man ought to grow beyond himself into the Superman.

Aniela Jaffe on Carl Jung and Parapsychology: Experience and Theory Occultism and Spiritualism

Darkness in The Red Book – Anthology

Carl Jung on “William Blake” – Quotations

Search Results for “sexuality” – Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Sometimes a tree tells you more than can be read in books.

In his own time, Meister Eckhart performed the same role.

Carl Jung on Intuition and Intuitives. Anthology

At present, we are in the Kâli yuga. We have a bad prognosis.

At present, we are in the Kâli yuga. We have a bad prognosis.

Excerpts from “Psychological Types” from Meister Eckhart.

Good and evil unite in the growth of the tree. In their divinity life and love stand opposed.

The mass State has no intention of promoting mutual understanding…

Carl Jung Quotations from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Carl Jung: I have given a good deal of attention to two great initiators: Joyce and Picasso.

Carl Jung: They are the repositories of the secrets of the soul, and this matchless knowledge is set forth in grand symbolical images.

Is there any trickery on earth which could have prevented Mozart or Beethoven from creating?

Carl Jung on the Pyramids, Death and Resurrection.

Carl Jung and the Assumption and Coronation of Mary

The principium individuation is is a notion from the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer.

Emma Jung, Marie Louise Von Franz and The Holy Grail

Carl Jung on “Kleshas” “Karma” “Ramakrishna” “Patanjali Sutras”

We could call sexuality the spokesman of the instincts,

Carl Jung on the Spirituality of the Tree

Carl Jung on the Spirituality of the Tree

Meg Wilbur – Marion Woodman and Embodied Life

Carl Jung: I was enchanted by this sight-it was a picture of something utterly alien and outside my experience,

The Black Books: Toward a Visionary Science: Jung’s Notebooks of Transformation – Prelude

Sonu Shamdasani: Introduction to Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1925

Marie-Louise Von Franz: Dreams give the Naskapi complete ability to find his way in life

Carl Jung on “Hell,” “Lucifer,” “Satan,” and the “Devil” – Anthology

Marie-Louise Von Franz Foreword to “Jung on Politics”

Through the containment of the drives the outflow is suppressed,

Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience…

Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience…

Carl Jung Depth Psychology

On Divination and Synchronicity by Marie Louise Von Franz.

Jung and William Blake

The dichotomy of God into divinity and humanity

Thus the dream says that the soul of my mother was taken into that greater territory of the self

Thus the dream says that the soul of my mother was taken into that greater territory of the self

The web of destiny really is the fabric of one’s unconscious fantasies.

The Mass as an Act of High Magic

Carl Jung: I have as little need to convince myself of how good the Catholic Church is for very many people.

Dr. Jung considered the Mass of the Church to be the equivalent of a "Rite of Individuation."

Marie Louise Von Franz and "The Realization of the Shadow."

Therefore in the man it is usually connected with the likewise unconscious anima.

The overflow of the unconscious falls into too narrow a vessel.

Whoever speaks in primordial images speaks with a thousand voices;

Marion Woodman – The Stillness Shall Be the Dancing: Feminine and Masculine in Emerging Balance.

Carl Jung: “Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.”

Carl Jung’s Preface to “The Discourses of the Buddha”

Carl Jung: “On Pictures in Psychiatric Diagnosis”

Jungs Alleged Madness From Mythopoeia to Mythologisation

Carl Jung: Doors of iron, walls of stone, cold darkness and the rations of penance-that is the bliss of redemption.

Light of the middle way, enclosed in the egg,

Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Toni Wolff: An immediate cause of death would look to me as coming from the ego complex.

Mysterium Coniunctionis – Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Eva Rider – Reclaiming the Soul

An Excerpt from ”The Boundless Expanse: Jung’s Reflections on Death and Life” by Sonu Shamdasani

An Excerpt from ”The Boundless Expanse: Jung’s Reflections on Death and Life” by Sonu Shamdasani

Carl Jung: While I was there I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala

Washington Backup

Jung seemed to dislike all the adoration going on around him,

A person sinks into his childhood memories and vanishes from the existing world.

Disagreement functions as a vehicle of mental life in society,

I just sent a card to Stephen Hoeller to thank him,…

Carl Jung’s “School Years”

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.

Emma Jung: The guilt of knowledge is only one-sided. Its necessary counterpart is sexuality.

Marie-Louise von Franz  Confrontation with the Collective Unconscious

Carl Jung on “Hell,” “Lucifer,” “Satan,” and the “Devil” – Anthology

Carl Jung on “Wisdom” Anthology

‘Psychic reality” is a controversial concept, like “psyche” or “mind.”

Carl Jung on the zodiacal signs through which the point of the vernal equinox went in historical times.

Carl Jung on Manipura and the value of Desire, Passions, Emotion.

A Review by Sonu Shamdasani – Geoffrey Cocks, Treating mind and body…

Review by: Thelma Bryant of Woodman, Marion. The Owl Was a Baker’s Daughter:

Victor White’s Footnote on Good and Evil

Foreword to Jung: “Phenomenes Occultes”

Sonu Shamdasani: Wehr presented Jung’s own accounts of his experience, and showed a firm grasp of his ideas.

Poems from Joseph Campbell’s “Reflections on the Art of Living”

1931 16 December Visions Seminar Lecture VI

Leaving My Fathers House A Journey to Conscious Femininity

The Pleroma in the Black Books. – Quotations

Kundalini Yoga Seminar Appendix IV SAT – CAKRA – NIRUPANA

Punita Miranda – Body and Soul Relations C.G. Jung and Marion Woodman

Carl Jung’s Foreword to “Apparitions and Precognitions” by Aniela Jaffe.

Marie-Louise Von Franz Foreword to “Jung on Politics”

Emma Jung: The Anima as an Elemental Being

Gems from Liber Novus aka The Red Book

The Black Books: Toward a Visionary Science: Jung’s Notebooks of Transformation – Prelude

Requiem for analytical psychology: a reflection on Jung’s (anti)catastrophic psychology

The fame of these creators, if it ever arrives at all, is posthumous and often delayed for several centuries.

Carl Jung’s “Late Thoughts”

Carl Jung on the “Mystic” and “Mysticism.” [Anthology]

Aniela Jaffe – Was Jung a Mystic “Quotations”

Carl Jung on “Astrology” – Anthology

Marie-Louise von Franz, On Dreams and Death Review by Peter Shea

Gershom Scholem’s Letter to Aniela Jaffe

Memory of Emma Jung by Sheila Moon

Number and Time by Marie Louise von Franz

Sonu Shamdasani: The Magical Method that Works in the Dark – C. G. Jung, Hypnosis, and Suggestion.

Marie-Louise Von Franz, Symbols Kitab Hall ar-Rumuz – Quotations

The toad is the opposite of air, it is a contrary element, namely earth,…

Such passages spring from the deepest roots of man, they refer to the Self.

We cannot change anything unless we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.

The Red Book Hours – Images

For the hero, fear is a challenge and a task, because only boldness can deliver from fear.

Edward F. Edinger: The psychological implications of Prayer

Carl Jung on Old People, Death, Soul.

Carl Jung’s Article on Picasso [1932]

The archetypal forms behind all myths belong to the mystery of the creative ground of everything that is.

Carl Jung on Buddhist Mantra Meditation

Who gives you Thoughts and Words?

Emma Jung: The concept of God does precisely not match a known image or an imago.

C.G. Jung and Hermann Hesse by Miguel Serrano Forward

Sabina Spielrein: I still remember my great-grandfather, from 3-4 years old,  [as] a large friendly man in black.

Carl Jung and Marie Louise Von Franz – YouTube

Aniela Jaffe on Carl Jung and Parapsychology: Experience and Theory Occultism and Spiritualism

For many, Toni Wolff, with her extraordinary intuition (which was one of her main gifts as an analyst),

Jung describes this nekyia in his Black Books, and narrativises it in his Liber Novus,

Carl Jung: Only psychic existence is immediately verifiable.

We have already seen in Buddha’s Sermon that the Nidana chain unites both worlds.

Many treatises define Mercurius simply as fire.

Carl Jung Review of Hitschmann’s “Freud’s Theory of Neurosis: a Comprehensive Interpretation of Its Present Status”

Is Analytical Psychology a Religion?

Carl Jung, Psychology, Science and Fantasy:

The hallmarks of spirit are, firstly, the principle of spontaneous movement and activity

Fate evolves with time, and it is identical with time.

You may recall that these three eyes correspond to the three worlds:

Carl Jung: Whole numbers may well be the discovery of God’s "primal thoughts,"…

A persecutory dream always means: this wants to come to me.

Inside Jung’s Red Book: Six Questions for Sonu Shamdasani

Gerhard Wehr on the Death of Emma Jung

Marie Louise Von Franz: Ghosts usually rattle their chains in the attic and walk about over our heads.

Carl Jung: T.W. was experiencing a similar stream of images.

Carl Jung on “Love” – YouTube

Carl Jung on Yoga and Karma

Carl Jung: "…here three people were accepting a destiny…"

Marie Louise Von Franz: it is only in old age when one looks back that one sees that the whole thing had a pattern.

Instantly, the problem of love (Eros) and power came down upon me like a leaden weight.

Carl Jung: If there’s one thing that terrified me, it was dead conceptualism.

Carl Jung: Who or what is hindering man from living peacefully on this earth?

What lies in between is in the dream book, but still more in the images of the Red Book.

Carl Jung: a scream is always just that-a noise and not music.

Carl Jung’s Foreword to “Apparitions and Precognitions” by Aniela Jaffe.

Carl Jung and the Temples of India in The Black Books

I consider the puer aeternus attitude an unavoidable evil.

Emma Jung Correspondence with Katy Cabot

Carl Jung on "The Art of Life."

Birds in Alchemy…

Books by Authors about the Life and Work of Carl Jung. [Jungians]

In an association to a dream on the night of July I, he [Jung] noted apropos Toni Wolff and Maria Moltzer:

Gerhard Wehr, Modern Esoteric Spirituality – Quotations

Carl Jung: By which principle could one show that physical evidence is superior to any other evidence?

Jung felt that the animal was sublime,

The Red Book Liber Novus – Reviewed by: Ann Belford Ulanov

Prophetic dreams and precognitions were no rarity in Jung’s life. ˜Aneila Jaffe

Carl Jung: Our modern science began with astronomy.

Carl Jung: Our modern science began with astronomy.

Agni from the earth, Vayu from the air, and Aditya from heaven.

How can I be substantial without casting a shadow?

Carl Jung: “The Hypothesis of the Collective Unconscious”

The persona is a semblance, a two-dimensional reality, to give it a nickname.

Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the “Lion” – Anthology

Carl Jung: I owe to Wilhelm the most valuable elucidations…

Aniela Jaffe on Carl Jung and Parapsychology: Experience and Theory Occultism and Spiritualism

Here we have a portrayal of the zodiacal signs through which the point of the vernal equinox went in historical times.

Dream Quotations

Art and the Zürich School

A Discussion of: The deeper self: an expanded view of consciousness

for instance, speaks to Nicodemus of spirit and water, these are not just random ideas,

Carl Jung “On Creative Achievement”

When animus and anima meet

Carl Jung: Ennoia = “thinking mind, knowledge, insight”: a way to reach higher consciousness.

Carl Jung: We make our own epoch.

Aniela Jaffe: Pyramids are an expression of an archetypal image.

The Agathodaemon and the Afterlife

Carl Jung, Emma Jung, Marie-Louise Von Franz. Barbara Hannah on “Animus” – Anthology

Carl Jung: Something like a careful shaping of images, such as many patients paint or carve in wood or stone.

At present, we are in the Kâli yuga. We have a bad prognosis.

On Marion Woodman by Jean Kirsch

Aniela Jaffe on C.G. Jung and Alchemy

Sonu Shamdasani interviewed by Ann Casement

Barbara Hannah: The friendly goddess told him that only her father, Proteus, could tell them how they could get home.

Jung’s Soul: The deer Goddess had rescued them-yes, Artemis. Isn’t she beautiful and chaste?

Introduction to Jungian Psychology by Sonu Shamdasani

Carl Jung and the Women of India

Carl Jung and the Women of India

Carl Jung: Every real solution is only reached by intense suffering.

Retrieving the Missing Fourth: The Night Sea Journey of a Marion Woodman Intensive

Sonu Shamdasani: The Magical Method that Works in the Dark – C. G. Jung, Hypnosis, and Suggestion.

The creative process has feminine quality…

The toad is the opposite of air, it is a contrary element, namely earth,…

Dreams in Antiquity ~Carl Jung

Carl Jung: Circe alone possesses the mystery, not the miserable swines of her garden.

Carl Jung: The attainment of wholenesss requires one to stake one’s whole being.

According to an ancient belief, man arose from the coming together of a soul and a body.

For what he paints are active fantasies—that which is active within him.

Honouring the body Marion Woodman

Carl Jung: “According to ancient tradition men came from trees or plants.”

Carl Jung’s Zofingia Lectures, Marie-Louise Von Franz, Introduction

In the Therapist’s Chair: Professor Rinaldo Walcott in conversation with Dr Marion Woodman

Carl Jung on Sexuality, Erotic Sculptures, Dharma and Karma.

Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology by Marie-Louise von Franz; Review by: Jack Nideve

This apprehension shows how little trust we place in the efficacy of our moral principles.

You still share the common human lot and are not cut off from humanity by a subjective defect.

Carl Jung: I did not say in the broadcast, “There is a God.”

Carl Jung on the “Attributes of Tao”

Carl Jung on "God" – Anthology

Carl Jung: If we do not fashion for ourselves a picture of the world,

Marion Woodman Obituary by Judith Harris

Carl Jung and “You see, our whole mental life, our consciousness, began with projections.”

You see, the tension between Christ and the devil is in consciousness!

So we cannot say it is the rule that when a man dies he becomes a spirit;

Carl Jung: a scream is always just that-a noise and not music.

Dr Marion Woodman: Analyst, teacher, author, friend, woman, visionary

Deeds were never invented, they were done.