
The alchemical stage of "Nigredo"

Marie-Louise Von Franz Foreword to “Jung on Politics”

The Bardo Thodol considers souls in the same way.

12 November 1930 Visions Seminar Lecture V

Gnostic monasteries were described by Philo the Jew in 20 A.D.

Finding Jung Frank N. McMillan Jr., a Life in Quest of the Lion – Quotations

Carl Jung on the Group Experience and Personal Transformation

“C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff – A Collection of Remembrances” [Quotations]

Carl Jung on “Empirical Psychology” – Zofingia Lectures

Carl Jung: The Way to the Self

On Theology and Psychology: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Adolf Keller Quotations

Carl Jung: Introduction to Toni Wolff’s “Studies in Jungian Psychology”

…reasons which have made it difficult for theologians and philosophers to take Jung’s work seriously.

Toni Wolff: Carl told me that I had not been exactly like the anima.

Catherine Cabot, Carl Jung and Emma Jung on the Death of Toni Wolff…


Carl Jung: CW 14 “Mysterium Coniunctionis” – Quotations

Carl Jung on Faith in a Personal Meeting with Christ.

The Innermost Kernel by Suzanne Gieser – Quotations

Carl Jung on the “Child” and “Children.” [Anthology]

Carl Jung on "Individuation" – Anthology

Carl Jung: My soul, where did you go? Did you go to the animals?

Carl Jung: …the psyche is the science of the future.

Aniela Jaffe’s “Jung’s Last Years” – Quotations

Carl Jung: What would mockery be, if it were not true mockery?

Carl Jung on if there is “personal survival after death or not.”

Carl Jung on the Bodhi Mandala.

~David Tacey Review of: WOODMAN, MARION. The Stillness Shall Be the Dancing

Such passages spring from the deepest roots of man, they refer to the Self.

Alchemy and the process of Individuation…

Carl Jung on "Bottom" – Anthology

Popular Quotations without citations to prove Dr. Jung uttered them.

Carl Jung on “Instincts” – Anthology

The Murderess shunned by Humanity and Animals

In our sleep we consult the 2,000,000-year-old man which each of us represents.

Chapter 12 The Vision of the Terrifying Face of God

The so-called “dulling of affect” in dementia praecox or schizophrenia may well be understood as a phenomenon of entropy.

Carl Jung on "Animals." – Anthology

Carl Jung on "Animals." – Anthology

Carl Jung’s Letter to Mary Mellon on the War

Carl Jung: My concept of psychic energy

Carl Jung: Many are called, but few are chosen

The Alchemical Salt as Feeling, Eros and Wisdom…

Carl Jung: As understanding deepens, the further removed it becomes from knowledge.

Carl Jung: Oh, Master of the Garden

Carl Jung on “Tao” Anthology

Rabbi David Zeller: It Furthers One To See The Great Man.

The real mystery does not behave mysteriously or secretively; it speaks a secret language,

Her reply was: “Those are not books. That is bread.”

Carl Jung: Often enough they hesitate to listen to the voice.

Carl Jung: I think one can only speak out of the torrent of divine images…”

The First Elegy ~Rainer Rilke

Carl Jung – “On the Real and the Surreal”

Carl Jung on the zodiacal signs through which the point of the vernal equinox went in historical times.

Perhaps art has no “meaning,” at least not as we understand meaning.

Carl Jung on “Anima Mundi” (World Soul) – Anthology

The somatic basis of the ego consists, then, of conscious and unconscious factors.

These beginnings are naturally shrouded in deep darkness.

Memories, Dreams and Reflections [Prologue]

On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry by C.G. Jung

C. G. Jung on Film

Carl Jung on a memory hallucination.

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and “Transformation Begins Within”

Carl Jung on "The Sun Circle" and Clairvoyance

Wolfgang Pauli: Physical symbolic language of my dream

Carl Jung on Tantric Yoga, Astrology and the Final Transformation of Man.

Marie-Louise von Franz – Quotations with Citations from Many Books

C.G. Jung in the Context of Christian Esotericism and Cultural History by Gerhard Wehr

Here are a few Jung-Hesse Letters and Quotations

Carl Jung, at 85 yrs.,reflecting on the aging process

9 JUNE 1939 Lecture 7 Psychology Meditation and Yoga

Carl Jung: The ego, therefore, is rather a find or an experience and not a creation.

Carl Jung on “Goethe” – Anthology

Carl Jung: Individuation is a transcendental goal.

Individuation is not “Mysticism,” “Shamanism,” “Alchemy,” or “Gnosticism”. Individuation is an expression of that biological process.

Professional relationships in dangerous times: by Ann C. Lammers

Carl Jung – Visiting the Pueblo Indians in Taos, New Mexico

Carl Jung on “Language” – Anthology

Carl Jung: The Eye is the Prototype of the Mandala

Professional relationships in dangerous times: by Ann C. Lammers

Physical Illnesses and Dream Symbolism

Physical Illnesses and Dream Symbolism

Carl Jung on The Unicorn Cup

Dream of a Ten-Year-Old Girl of a Snake with Eyes Sparkling Like Diamonds

Every advance in culture is, psychologically, an extension of consciousness,

The incalculable paradoxes of Love…

Joseph Campbell: The source of temporal life is eternity.

Carl Jung: Is there a Freudian Type of Poetry?

Carl Jung: The Gift of Magic

Jung’s Ka: Cursed be appearance, which deceives the world for all reality.

Marie Louise Von Franz and "The Realization of the Shadow."

Carl Jung: You only can teach or change the heart of an individual.

Carl Jung on “Primitive””Primitives” – Anthology

Nora Mindell – Obituary of Marie-Louise von Franz

Carl Jung on “Eros.” Anthology

Carl Jung: We may think there is a sure road. But that would be the road of death.

The Fountain of Love and Wisdom: An Homage to Marie-Louise Von Franz – Quotations

The Fountain of Love and Wisdom: An Homage to Marie-Louise Von Franz – Quotations

Carl Jung: I was enchanted by this sight-it was a picture of something utterly alien and outside my experience,

Jung’s Soul: I see Philemon in the golden house of splendor-alone.

Carl Jung on “Anima Mundi” (World Soul) – Anthology

Carl Jung Quotations from Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Seminar

Jungs Alleged Madness From Mythopoeia to Mythologisation

Jung referred to Toni Wolff’s discussion of the scientific status of complex psychology in her 1935 paper,

Jung and White and the God of terrible double aspect by Ann C. Lammers, Vermont, USA

Carl Jung: What tension between the farthest heavens and the deepest hells!

He is no hero who never met the dragon,

Carl Jung: I should like to put before you an individual series of such symbols in chronological order.

Emptiness comes as the first of the three contemplations. All things are looked upon as empty.

Being alone with oneself has always been repellant to everyone. Will you give yourself up?

Carl Jung: If we can look at a picture of the god long enough, he nods.

Carl Jung: What lies in the middle is the truth.

James Kirsch’s Defense of Jung by Ann Lammers

Carl Jung on “Life.” Anthology

Carl Jung on the “Four Functions.”

Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz on “Alchemy”

Soul and God ~Carl Jung

The Soul as a Nazareth…

Carl Jung: “It is just as if the retained or dammed up contents were filtering through the skin…”

With this I always get a cold head and hot feet, whereas when I read, it is the reverse.

Ann Ulanov – The Danger and the Treasure of the Inferior Function

Emma Jung: The guilt of knowledge is only one-sided. Its necessary counterpart is sexuality.

Materialistic atheism with its utopian chimeras ….

Carl Jung on the Symbolism of the Underground Cave.

Carl Jung: The serpent in Genesis is an illustration…

Carl Jung: The serious problems in life, however, are never fully solved.

Carl Jung Foreword to Moser: “Ghost: False Belief or True?”

Carl Jung: The "Eternal Feminine" in Faust is the Sapientia Dei, who is this same Sophia

A Forest Goblin and Prankster

11 October 1930, Kundalini Yoga Seminar, Appendix I, Indian Parallels

11 October 1930, Kundalini Yoga Seminar, Appendix I, Indian Parallels

Dream Symbolism of the Snake

Carl Jung confronts his unheard of Blasphemy

Sky and Psyche: Heaven and Soul

Sky and Psyche: Heaven and Soul

the right way is that we accept emptiness..~Carl Jung

Carl Jung: Animus in a man is not a person, it is his conscious principle, and then I call it Logos.

Carl Jung on “Terror.” – Anthology – Quotations

The Angel’s Call: The Angel and The Individuation Process  by Scott Duncan Gilliam

The Monk: So we founded the monastery-near the Nile, from where we could see the passing ships.

Since the relation of the ego to the self is like that of the son to the father…

Carl Jung’s use of Inkblots in High School

Carl Jung on the “Egg.” [Anthology]

Carl Jung on Emotions

Carl Jung on Emotions

Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process: Seminars on Wolfgang Pauli’s Dreams -Quotations

Carl Jung: It (Bollingen Foundation) is a shining beacon in the darkness of the atomic age.

Carl Jung on the “Mind” – Anthology

The collective psyche is a real power as is the external world.

Question: How does the inferior function connect with the collective evil?

Carl Jung on the Anima and Animus – Conversations with Margaret Ostrowski-Sachs

Carl Jung on the Anima and Animus – Conversations with Margaret Ostrowski-Sachs

Carl Jung: “These royal tombs, deliberately built for eternity…”

Jung’s Understanding of the Meaning of the Shadow

Jung’s Understanding of the Meaning of the Shadow

The body’s carbon is simply carbon. Hence “at bottom” the psyche is simply “world.”

Carl Jung "…this time it is not the world that is to be changed; rather it is God who intends to change his own nature.

The presence of the new moon at the start beautifully introduces the feminine principle.

Toni Wolff–James Kirsch correspondence by Thomas B. Kirsch

Carl Jung on Mathematics, Synchronicity and Biology

The Psychological Reality of Evil is ………..Effective

For it all how depends how we look at things, and not on they are in themselves.

22 October 1930 Visions Seminar Lecture II

Carl Jung: I have finished painting the ceiling in Bollingen…

Joseph Lewis Henderson 1903–2007: A Biography by Thomas Kirsch

Carl Jung answers questions on the Nature of Dreams

Chapter 3 A tower, as is a dungeon, is also an image of the self, especially when one’s fear of the self predominates.

Carl Jung: The child is a new God, actually born in many individuals, but they don’t know it.

Carl Jung on “UFO’s” – Anthology

Carl Jung: Far from being a material world, this is a psychic world…

Carl Jung: Yin is female, cool, nocturnal, humid, and is represented by the north side of the mountain.

Carl Jung: Dr. Jung advised me to spend most of my time alone, have a separate room in the house to be used for nothing but inner work,

Carl Jung on the “Gifted Child.”

Wolfgang Pauli and Alchemy

Carl Jung: Please don’t worry about my wanderings in these infinitudes.

Richard L. Evans: Conversations with Carl Jung – Quotations

Zen and Death: Jung’s Final Experience

Or what it means that the crucified god functions in us. Those are most interesting questions.

God may be revealed out of man

…it invariably turns out that you are a reincarnation of the savior, a messiah, and so on

…it invariably turns out that you are a reincarnation of the savior, a messiah, and so on

Philemon, Ka, and Creative Fantasy: The Formation of the Reconciling Symbol in Jung’s Visual Work – 1919–1923

The egg, the vessels and the words. From Izdubar to Answer to Job

Carl Jung on “Politics” – Anthology

A sun that is endowed with human feeling and man’s limited consciousness.

A sun that is endowed with human feeling and man’s limited consciousness.

Carl Jung on “Hypnosis” – Anthology

Matter represents the concreteness of God’s thoughts and is the very thing that makes individuation possible

Chapter 7 Retreat to Ranft

Carl Jung on “Opposites.” Lexicon.

Carl Jung: Existence is only real when it is conscious to somebody.

Carl Jung: As you know the angel of death has struck me down too and almost succeeded in wiping me off the slate.

Carl Jung: The self is by definition the totality of all psychical facts and content.

Carl Jung: You Must Obey Your Own Law

A psychology that satisfies the intellect alone can never be practical,

I don’t believe in the tiger who was finally converted to vegetarianism and ate only apples.

Carl Jung and “Daimon” in The Black Books – Quotations

Carl Jung and “Daimon” in The Black Books – Quotations

Carl Jung and your dream refers to the extrusion of the soul from the body

Carl Jung’s Investigation of Family Psychology.

Carl Jung: I firmly believe however that psyche is an “substance; essence”.

Carl Jung: The term self is often mixed up with the idea of God. I would not do that.

Carl Jung: The Greek words daimon and daimonion express a determining power,,,

Liberating the soul begins with recognizing the darkness.

Carl Jung on Serpents and Dragons in Dreams

Carl Jung on his interest in Architecture

Carl Jung on the Quaternity.

Carl Jung on Sexuality, Erotic Sculptures, Dharma and Karma.

It Shakes Off the Mortal Husk That I Am and Awakens to a Life of Its Own.

Carl Jung: When people say I am wise, or a sage, I cannot accept it.

Joseph Campbell: The source of temporal life is eternity.

Yoga: Immortality and Freedom

Carl Jung on “Angels”

Marion Woodman – Addiction to Perfection Quotations

A Discussion of: The deeper self: an expanded view of consciousness

Carl Jung on the Spirituality of Plant Life, Animals and Divine Law

Carl Jung on “The Gods” – Anthology

Carl Jung on “The Gods” – Anthology

Carl Jung: For it is a fact that, to the primitive, life is far more voluminous than to us…

Carl Jung on Leopold the Guardian Angel of Helene’s

Carl Jung: “As I am getting on in age and as I am going to be gathered to my ancestors and avatars…”

Carl Jung on the “Ancients” – Red Book – Quotations

Carl Jung: The neurotic constitution demands a bit more sacrifice

Carl Jung: It is only possible to live as we should if we live according to our own nature.

The lady with the lotus net is the mistress of that prison.

Man doesn’t only grow from within himself for he is also creative from within himself.

Carl Jung: Some Reactions concerning Psychological Testing, Psychotherapy, Mental Telepathy, and other Personal Insights

The most we can do is to dream the myth onwards and give it a modern dress.

Since the Soul animates the Body………

God himself smashed his Weapon

Hiranycigarbha, Sanskrit “golden germ” or “golden womb,” mythological founder of the yoga tradition.

Carl Jung: Our cerebral consciousness is like an actor who has forgotten that he is playing a role.

Your God is a world. He forms the world and the Gods, grant him the power.

If we wish to stay on the heights…

Carl Jung Letters on "Prayer" and "Colors in Dreams"

Carl Jung: “man would be the mediator in the transformation process of God.”

Carl Jung: “man would be the mediator in the transformation process of God.”

John Kerr’s Errors in “A Most Dangerous Method.”

Carl Jung on Feeling, Sensation, Intuition Thinking

Carl Jung: …a poem is never a confrontation with it-it is only a formation of the unconscious.

Carl Jung on “Guilt” – Anthology – Quotations

The woman offering the child is Mary; Mary brought forth a child to be sacrificed on the cross.

Psychological truth by no means excludes metaphysical truth…

Carl Jung: "Reason" is, notoriously, not necessarily ethical any more than intelligence is.

Carl Jung’s letter written in 1938 about Abraham Lincoln

Ancient Egyptian Religion and Catholic Church Horus and Christ – Quotations

Carl Jung on “Eternity” – Anthology

Carl Jung on Zen Buddhism

Carl Jung on “Solitude.” [Anthology]

The body lays claim to equal recognition; it exerts the same fascination as the psyche.

Here we have a portrayal of the zodiacal signs through which the point of the vernal equinox went in historical times.