
Jung describes this nekyia in his Black Books, and narrativises it in his Liber Novus,

And how can we know the whole of which we are only a part?

Solange Bertolotto Schneider The Truth in the analytical process – YouTube

Angela Graf-Nold, PhD – Shamdasani and the ‘serial exemplarity of mediumship’ in Jung’s work: a critique

Dr. Jung credits Sabina Spielrein – Anthology

Angela Graf-Nold, PhD – Shamdasani and the ‘serial exemplarity of mediumship’ in Jung’s work: a critique

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola: Lecture 7 [15 December 1939]

Tibetan Book of the Dead: [THE JUDGEMENT]

Marie-Louise von Franz: The Devouring Mother

Marie-Louise von Franz: The Tyrant

Carl Jung on “The Relativity of the God-concept in Meister Eckhart”

Marie-Louise von Franz: Liberation of the Heart

Marie-Louise von Franz: Liberation of Relationship

Carl Jung Encouraged “Belief” and had his own “Beliefs.”

Marie-Louise von Franz: The Maker of Dreams

Marie-Louise von Franz: Dreams of a Lifetime

Carl Jung on “God” – The Black Books, Vol. I – 7 Anthology

That was an encounter with the daemonism of the earth,

Marie-Louise von Franz: Flying Through The Roofe


When you have time for a client who wishes to consult you, you’ll let me know.

Salt as the Arcane Substance

Marie-Louise von Franz: Slaying the Dragon

The Egyptian Book of the Dead: Judgement and “The Weighing of the Heart.”

Carl Jung on “The Relativity of the God-concept in Meister Eckhart”

Hindu Judgement, Punishment and Hell

The Dawning of the Wrathful Deities From the Eighth to the Fourteeth Day

The Law, Judgement, Punishment and Hell in Buddhism -“The Tibetan Book of the Dead”

Mustard Seed by Meister Eckhart

Marie-Louise von Franz: The Ladder to Heaven

Marie-Louise von Franz: The Living Symbol

Wolfgang Pauli: Observations on “Cosmic Rays” as Dream Symbol