
A person sinks into his childhood memories and vanishes from the existing world.

Every psychic process has a value quality attached to it, namely its feeling-tone.

Marie-Louise Von Franz on the “Animus” – Quotations

The Mirror of Alchemy

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.

In the East, “Emptiness” and In the West “Chaos” or “Nigredo”

In the East, “Emptiness” and In the West “Chaos” or “Nigredo”

Hermes on the Soul and Body…

Carl Jung and Synchronicity

Carl Jung: If I imitate Christ…

Alchemy and the Hermetic Tradition: Mircea Eliade and Carl Jung

Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.

Alchemy and Introversion

You have a Share in Mankind [Carl Jung]

I want to emboss you like a coin.

Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.

Marie Louise Von Franz, C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time – Quotations

The Cat in Mythology, by Marie-Louise von Franz

Jungs Alleged Madness From Mythopoeia to Mythologisation

The Law, Judgement, Punishment and Hell in Buddhism -“The Tibetan Book of the Dead”

The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing.

Carl Jung: Carl Jung: “Divine favour and daemonic evil or danger are archetypal.”

Worshipping Illusions: An Interview with Marion Woodman

Images from Carl Jung’s "Psychology and Alchemy."

The Difference Between “Natural” and “Conscious” Individuation

Carl Jung and Islam

The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing.

Carl Jung: I think in the end he will turn out to be the devil.

Images from Carl Jung’s "Psychology and Alchemy."

The Murderess shunned by Humanity and Animals

Carl Jung: What happens after Death is so unspeakably Glorious….

What if Satan represents elements of our personal lives?

Ronald Hayman’s lack of scholarship and erroneous assumptions and assertions uncovered

The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola: Lecture 1 [3 November 1939]

Carl Jung, at 85 yrs.,reflecting on the aging process

1931  December, Visions Seminar, Lecture V

Carl Jung on “God” in The Red Book – Quotations

Carl Jung, at 85 yrs.,reflecting on the aging process

Carl Jung’s Childhood Dreams/Visions and the Path to The Red Book

1934 9 May 1934 LECTURE 2 Zarathustra Seminar

James Kirsch: Letter to the Palestinian Public

Carl Jung: Everything psychic is pregnant with the future.

7 June 1933 Visions Seminar LECTURE VI

The Agathodaemon and the Afterlife

Madness is a special form of the spirit…

Society demands this as a kind of surety; each must stand at his post, here a cobbler, there a poet.

Carl Jung on “Simplicity” – Anthology

I have often been asked what I believe about death…..

Marie-Louise von Franz: Dreams of a Lifetime

Carl Jung on "The Symbolic Life"

[Carl Jung on being "Alone."] Anthology.

The hallmarks of spirit are, firstly, the principle of spontaneous movement and activity

The hallmarks of spirit are, firstly, the principle of spontaneous movement and activity

“The Plight of the Individual in Modern Society” – Carl Jung

The hallmarks of spirit are, firstly, the principle of spontaneous movement and activity

Carl Jung: Man is a gateway, through which you pass from the outer world of Gods

Carl Jung: The dynamic principle of fantasy is play…Quotations

The most we can do is to dream the myth onwards and give it a modern dress.

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.

Carl Jung: CW 17 “The Development of Personality” – Quotations

Only the gods can pass over the rainbow bridge; mortal men must stick to the earth and are subject to its laws

Carl Jung on the “Serpent.” [Anthology]

Carl Jung: Before a fate such as this one can only bow one’s head.

Since the gods are without doubt personifications of psychic forces…

Carl Jung: The stone “is named the stone of invisibility” (lapis invisibilitatis)

Carl Jung on “Complexes” – Anthology

Emma Jung gave a presentation to the Psychological Club, “Considerations on a Word of Meister Eckhart.”

Years later, Jung spoke to Aniela Jaffe concerning the relationship with Toni Wolff.

Carl Jung: CW 7 “Two Essays on Analytical Psychology” – Quotations

Love, should be broken for the sake of life…

Carl Jung on Prophetic Dreams

Carl Jung: “Don’t Make A Legend Out of Me.”

Carl Jung on “Original Sin” – Quotations

The causes of a neurosis lie in the present as much as in the past,

Carl Jung and Dante Alighieri

Carl Jung: In all these visions there is really not much blood.

Carl Jung: From this argument it follows that we should expect an operative archetype.

Confrontation with the Collective Unconscious by  Marie-Louise von Franz

Carl Jung on Introversion-Extraversion and Fantasy

The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Vol. I & II – Quotations

You truly see what sits in the heart for you-God knows from where it fell-on the horizon?

Carl Jung: Many are called, but few are chosen

Everything is present, altogether and all at once, in the constant presence of the pleroma.

Carl Jung: Excerpts from the Jung-Ostrowski Conversations

The Difference Between “Natural” and “Conscious” Individuation

The real mystery does not behave mysteriously or secretively…

Tribute to the Life and Work of Marion Woodman (1928-2018) by Eva Rider

Carl Jung: Tears, sorrow, and disappointment are bitter, but wisdom is the comforter in all psychic suffering.

Carl Jung’s Letter to Maud Oakes…

Marie-Louise Von Franz Reflect and Take Back Your Projections

Carl Jung on “Madness” “Insanity” – Anthology

I don’t believe in the tiger who was finally converted to vegetarianism and ate only apples.

Carl Jung The Red Book Quotations #1

The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Vol. I & II – Quotations

The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Vol. I & II – Quotations

Carl Jung: synchronistic experiences were interpreted by schizophrenics as delusions.

Carl Jung: In men, Eros, the function of relationship, is usually less developed than Logos.

Some Carl Jung Quotations XLIII

Miranda Punita: Body and Soul Relations: Marion Woodman and C.G. Jung

Liber Novus Quotations The Red Book

Carl Jung: Meister Eckhart and Gnostics in The Red Book

Carl Jung: The ego changes all the time, it has every kind of illusion,…

Carl Jung’s writes to Victor White

Carl Jung’s writes to Victor White

Carl Jung’s writes to Victor White

The Earth has a Soul: C.G. Jung on Nature, Technology & Modern Life

Carl Jung: Nietzsche was no atheist, but his God was dead.