
Dedicated to the Soul: The Writings and Drawings of Emma Jung Jung, Emma

Dedicated to the Soul: The Writings and Drawings of Emma Jung Jung, Emma

Carl Jung: You won’t get out of the old house until you have drained to the last drop what is going on there.

Carl Jung The Opening of the Egg

Carl Jung: Only through objective cognition is the real coniunctio possible.

Guard against being a slave to words.

Carl Jung: The relation to the snake is a chthonic mystery.

Carl Jung : The achievement of personality

Individuation as a vocation

1The incalculable paradoxes of Love

Birds in Alchemy

1. The pole is the center of a rotating system which represents the mandala.

Psychology is as little to blame for this as zoology for lice.

The Meditations of Buddha.

My Mother’s Second Voice

Psychological and Visionary Art – Quotations

Women and Mandalas

Memories, Dreams, and Reflections – Quotations

Marion Woodman Speech on Conscious Femininity

1. Letter to Bill Wilson from Carl Jung

What tension between the farthest heavens and the deepest hells!

1. Letter to Bill Wilson from Carl Jung

Carl Jung on “Chaos” Anthology.

Carl Jung getting a proper understanding of Freud

1. Saint Hildegard of Bingen.

Carl Jung: The ideas of the moral order and of God

The dynamic principle of fantasy is play…Quotations

Carl Jung: The ideas of the moral order and of God

Carl Jung on his use of the word “Eros.”

The idea of life after death seems to him questionable or beyond belief.

The idea of life after death seems to him questionable or beyond belief.

Jung’s Contribution to Our Time by Eleanor Bertine

1. Carl Jung: This Buddha is a parallel to the medieval inner Christ.

Elijah, Salome, King Herod, William Blake, John the Baptist in The Black Books

The Oxyrhynchus Papyrus.

Introversion-Extraversion and Fantasy

1. James Hillman Great Chronology of Events

2 March 1932 Visions Seminar Lecture VII Mani is a title of Buddha in Mahayana Buddhism

How can I be substantial without casting a shadow?

She is the earth, I am the vessel of heaven.

Those are the people who will carry on my work.

1. Jung on the importance of Fear

The key is this : we must be able to let things happen in the psyche.

1. Carl Jung: This is the path of danger.

1. Carl Jung: This is the path of danger.

1. Carl Jung: This is the path of danger.