
Carl Jung on “Tao” Anthology

Carl Jung on “Goethe” “Faust” – Anthology

Carl Jung on “Doubt” – Anthology

Carl Jung: And the psyche is not a metaphysical concept but an empirical one.

Carl Jung: “…an unconscious feminine figure which as you know I call the anima.”]

In the following night, the air was filled with many voices.

"God’ is a primordial experience of man…"

The soul demands your folly; not your wisdom. ~Carl Jung

Carl Jung: “Often what is thought is less important than who thinks it.”

Carl Jung “Misery is relative.”

Carl Jung on "Supra-Substantial Bread."

Carl Jung: It is a privilege born of human freedom in contradistinction to the compulsion of natural law.

Carl Jung: What else is the meaning of the frightful regressions of our time?