
Carl Jung: Don’t allow yourself to be led astray by the ravings of the animus.

Carl Jung: Every real solution is only reached by intense suffering.

James Kirsch: Therein lies the paradox of Jewish psychology.

James Kirsch: We [Jews] made a vital mistake by rejecting Christ. Christ is the repressed complex of the Jew.

Carl Jung on the “Shulamite” of the Old Testament – Quotations

Carl Jung: … the empirical existence of an ego is a condition through which continuous consciousness becomes possible.

Carl Jung: I cannot speak of "my" imago Dei but only of "the" imago Dei.

Carl Jung’s Dream Analysis Seminar; Lecture II, 30 January 1929

Carl Jung: An old German mystic has said: "God is a sigh in our souls."

Carl Jung on Post-Mortem contact with the Dead

Carl Jung on Faith in a Personal Meeting with Christ.

Carl Jung: …the collective man is subhuman, nothing but a beast-man…

Carl Jung: To be sure "Christ" gave the myth a new meaning for the man of antiquity.